This animal is surely the island's mascot. It has a robust and compact appearance and the males' horns can grow up to 90 cm. Its slender forms are suitable for rocky areas. It is a skilled jumper, climber and a fast runner and can reach up to 60 km/h. It lives in the most inaccessible and rugged parts of the island, usually a high altitude with steep and rocky slopes. It feeds on bushes from the Mediterranean scrub and wild grasses. You can recognise the male by a white mark on its sides’ 'saddle' which appears around the third year of life, whilst the female has a light uniform coat. It is a rare species at regional and national level. It is not threatened globally, but rather locally due to poachers and acts of vandalism. Degree of protection: Berne Convention, annex III; DIR. CEE 43/92 All. B, D; L. 157/92, L.R.23/98.