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Corsican Gull

Corsican Gull

You can distinguish it from the Yellow Legged Gull by its coral red beak and its green feet, as well as its longer and thinner body of about 50 cm and also by the way it flies more gracefully. The adult birds are white, with a grey back and black wing tips. It nests in the late spring and its eggs hatch a couple of months after being laid. The male helps the female hatch the eggs. It is a rare species at regional, national and European level, because it is threatened by habitat destruction and alteration. It lives on the Mediterranean coast, where the sea is less polluted. This bird is quite rare in Italy, apart from a few nesting areas on the Tyrrhenian Sea. Degree of protection: Berne Convention, All. II; L. 157/92 art. 2, DIR. CEE 409/79, All. I; Bonn Convention, All. I e II.